Tong Ho - Garland Chrysanthemum - Chrysanthemum Leaves

Tong Ho - Garland Chrysanthemum

Names: Tong Ho, Garland Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum Leaves, Crown Daisy, Shingiku, Tong Hao, Tung Ho, Tang Ho, Chong Ho, Kor Tongho, Tong Ho Choy, Tong Hao Cai, Thung Ho, Shunigku, Kikuna, Tan O, Cai Cui, Ssukgat, Chrysanthemum Greens

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum coronarium

Edible tong ho is actually the leaves of chrysanthemum, has an unique taste. For Indonesians who are very familiar with daun kenikir (kenikir leaves - Cosmos sulphureus), tong ho has similar taste to kenikir leaves. In Indonesian cuisine, kenikir leaves are used for pecel (Java style Salad with Spiced Peanut Sauce).

Back to our topic here, tong ho is used to flavor salads, soups, sukiyaki and other dishes. It will be lost the unique taste if you do overcooked or blanch them; I prefer eat them raw.

This leafy green has 3 different sizes, large, medium and baby. The one that I captured on the picture above was the medium leaf. has a depth information on this aromatic leafy.


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