Pisang Bakar Coklat Keju (Grilled Bananas/Plantains Topped with Chocolate and Cheese) - Masak Bareng Yuuk Event

Pisang Bakar Coklat Keju

Snack? I think lots people love to snack.  During my university's time in Bogor, I used to snack around midnight. I went to bed very late due to the paper-works and snacked more than ever. As my foodie's friend, Rurie said, there are always 24/7 food street vendors in Indonesia. Never get worried to starve in the middle of the might. I often went to warkop (coffee street vendors) or warung tenda (food street vendors with tends) to buy Pisang Bakar Coklat Keju. I hopped in an angkot (public mini transportation which is numerous in Bogor) to go to Padjajaran boulevard to get this yummy snack. Along with this pisang bakar, I had a cup of cappuccino or wedang jahe (Indonesian ginger tea).

Well, making this snack isn't that hard. Easy peasy recipe! In this case, I applied unsalted butter instead of margarine that is used by the Indonesians to grill/bbq the bananas/plantains.

Despite the Western taste-buds are not used to this weird combination, I know two Canadians who fell in love with this snack.  One is my husband, another one is a lady who owns the house that I stayed when I was in Boissevain.

I participated this post for this month's Masbar with the theme Panganan Kaki Lima (Food ala Street Vendor).

Pisang Bakar Coklat Keju

saba bananas/plantains (Indonesian: pisang kepok/ pisang raja/tanduk)
white mild cheddar cheese
chocolate sprinkle "ceres" brand
sweetened condensed milk
unsalted butter

Pisang Bakar Coklat Keju

1. Brush butter on bananas. Grill/bbq on charcoal is better or on stove with a grill pan until golden brown.
2. Plate the cooked bananas on a plate. Grate cheese and sprinkle chocolate over.  Swirl the sweetened condensed milk on.


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