Rujak Manis - Indonesian Fruit Salad with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Last week, there was an event at my work, open house. We had lots fruit leftover. I brought a bag of them and make them for Rujak Manis. Too bad, I made the sauce too thick, that was not supposed to be. It's still good and spicy (hot).

There are several versions of rujak in Indonesia. As a person who grew up in East Java, I know rujak manis, rujak madura, rujak cingur are difference in sauce. No wonder for traditional Eastern Javanese recipes, I like using the recipes of mbak Lia (Dapurgue).

In Indonesia, it is usually served with tropical fruits, such as, medium riped papaya, unripe mango, pineapple, jicama (Indonesian: bengkuang), starfruit (Indonesian: belimbing), rose apple/water apple (Indonesian: jambu air), guava (Indonesian: jambu), ambarella (Indonesian: kedondong) and also add sliced of fried tofu.

Rujak Manis
Recipe by Lia of Dapurgue, translated by me

I used the fruits that I had
Strawberry, sliced
Cantaloupe (In Australia and New Zealand, it's known as rock melon)
Melon, sliced
Pineapple, sliced

Spicy Peanut Sauce for Rujak Manis
100 g fried/roasted peanuts
250 g coconut sugar, warmed up in a microwave for couple seconds to soften
3 tbsp fried garlic
2 tbsp tamarind juice
bird eye's chilies ( as many as you like)
1/4 tsp dried shrimp paste (Indonesian: terasi)
salt as desired

Spicy Peanut Sauce for Rujak Manis

1. Combine bird eye's chllies, dried shrimp paste, salt and tamarind juice. Process with a food processor until smooth.

2. Add coconut sugar, add a small amount of water at time and increase until reach the desired consistency.

3. Add garlic and peanut, process until done (do not process the peanut to smooth, but some people might like the smoother version). If the sauce is too thick, add water.

4. Serve with sliced fruits.


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