Korean Style Spicy Grilled Salmon

It's summer time, time for barbeque and grilling. This is not an aunthentic Korean cuisine, I think it's Korean fusion food. Since I love Korean food and gochujang as well, Sue of My Korean Kitchen inspired me to make this salmon grilled.

I have no idea what this dish is supposed to call in Korean, but I can tell you it's so good and people who looking for another way to grill their salmon I suggested to try.


300 g salmon fillets
1 tbsp roasted sesame seeds or as desired

Marinade sauce
1/4 cup gochujang (Korean chili paste)
2 tbsp lemon (if you like, it can be substituted for rice vinegar)
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sesame oil
black pepper and salt as desired


Combine all marinade sauce ingredients. Marinate salmon with the sauce. Let stand for 1 hour in the fridge.

Grill salmon until done. Serve on a serving plate and sprinkle with sesame seed. If you need dipping sauce, just add some water to the leftover marinade sauce and simmer until boiling.


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